Week2-Week3 OPW Journey.

The Tropy

In this period, I have tackled several bugs and got them finally about to be merged in the codebase. Namely, they are:
#761121 allow symbolic links within same version, #761861 override detected language type. I also spent some time on making debsouces runnable on sor.debian.org.
But still there is some db related problem on it. I am not quite familiar with psql, and kinda at a loss as what to do. Zack said he would take it over and I shall focus on what really I likes. Cool.

For some non-code tasks, I have a detailed read on “machine-readable debian/copyright”. The other task is on “flask blueprint”. The idea of “flask blueprint”, as far as I am concerned, is sort of what apps are in django.

Zack has drafted a specification on debian/copyright which serves as the goal of copyright.debian.net. Combined with the above reading knowledge, and with the help of Flask expert matthieu, I will get my hands dirty in the comming weeks to create a fantastic new site, aka, copyright.d.n. Stay tuned.

some thought

I did spend some time learning how to use git, and read quite a lot of materials. But, I shamely forgot most of them. So when I am frequently using git these days, I feel kinda incompetent and sometimes awkward. I am thinking now, maybe I shall stop overlearn some technology that I might never use. Only real usage and practice could help me get comfort with those tools. Overlearn something which I am not currently using and either won’t in the future might just be a waste of time.

and finally, I spent a great Christmas. Wish everyone happy, and merry Christmas!

2 thoughts on “Week2-Week3 OPW Journey.

  1. brainwane says:

    I think it is very normal to forget a lot of the details the first time you read documentation about a tool. I don’t think it’s shameful at all. It’s a normal cycle:

    * start using a tool
    * read some documentation about it and retain some fraction of the reading
    * use the tool more
    * reread documentation and understand and retain more of it
    * use the tool more
    * read new documentation and understand and retain some fraction of it

    and so on!

    Git is hard to learn and if you have trouble with it you are normal.

    Good luck!


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